While scrolling through websites, I stumble upon this video whereby in the near future perhaps, we don't need to leave our vehicles in order to do grocery shopping. Convenient it maybe, from an architectural standpoint of view, it tends to cut off all social interaction, the interaction between humans, between materiality. A serious disadvantage towards a sustainable goal, in fact, it encourages us to use vehicles for mobility that creates the additional output of Green House Gas Emission.
Source : https://www.facebook.com/GIGadgets.Fans/videos/1003438176402138/
By the year 2050, two-third of the world population consist of 6.2 billion people would be living in dense urban cities. Today, 54% of the world's population is already living in urban areas and projections suggested this will keep increasing (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2014). As city planners, we face the challenges of creating a sustainable, healthy and resilient city, in order to thrive with the increase in basic necessities. Imagine the detrimental effect towards the environmental and social life towards wider humanity with the concept as a means of grocery shopping. The uprise of notoriously clogged highways, building and widening roads is not a solution towards sustainable, instead, it only promotes more congestions and carbon emission.
From my personal opinion, technological advancement is not to be taken for granted. More importantly, reducing greenhouse gas emission as well as increase public transportation such as cycling, walking and smart growth planning to promote social interaction between humans and nature is the key.